Vincent Guyader
Author of 13 CRAN packages
Vincent Guyader has 13 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Vincent Guyader teamed up with 14 others, making it a large and lively crew of coders. The synergy must have been amazing!
13 Packages
- attachmentDeal with Dependencies
- checkhelperDeal with Check Outputs
- dockerfilerEasy Dockerfile Creation from R
- fcukThe Ultimate Helper for Clumsy Fingers
- fusenBuild a Package from Rmarkdown Files
- golemA Framework for Robust Shiny Applications
- rtodoistCreate and Manage Todolist using '' API
- ruskBeautiful Graphical Representation of Multiplication Tables on a Modular Circle
- spongecakeTransform a Movie into a Synthetic Picture
- thinkrTools for Cleaning Up Messy Files
- togglr'' Api for 'Rstudio'
- ztypeRun a Ztype Game Loaded with R Functions
- shiny2dockerGenerate Dockerfiles for 'Shiny' Applications